On April 3rd, Masahiro Nanjo reported on “A study on admissibility of an amendment to introduce a disclaimer as discussed in the grand panel decision of the Intellectual High Court (May 30th, 2008) – in the light of comparative law and from a practitioner’s perspective” in Intellectual property law (IPL) workshops of a Global COE (Center of Excellence) Program, named “New Global Law and Policy for Multi-agential Governance” organized in Hokkaido University and led by Professor Yoshiyuki Tamura.

On April 3rd, Masahiro Nanjo reported on “A study on admissibility of an amendment to introduce a disclaimer as discussed in the grand panel decision of the Intellectual High Court (May 30th, 2008) – in the light of comparative law and from a practitioner’s perspective” in Intellectual property law (IPL) workshops of a Global COE (Center of Excellence) Program, named “New Global Law and Policy for Multi-agential Governance” organized in Hokkaido University and led by Professor Yoshiyuki Tamura.

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