In the invalidation trial (Case No. Invalidation 2010-800110) in which Masahiro Nanjo filed for the client, the JPO appeal board decided in favor of Masahiro Nanjo declaring that the claim of patent at issue is invalid for the lack of inventive step.

On June 29th, 2010 Masahiro Nanjo filed an invalidation trail (Case No. Invalidation 2010-800110). In this invalidation trial we asserted the invalidity of the claim 1 of the patent No. 4109165, which allegedly covers patentee’s commercial product, based on the lack of inventive step. An oral hearing was held on January 27th, 2011. On April 25th, the JPO appeal board in charge, which consisted of three appeal board examiners, decided in favor of us declaring that the claim of patent is invalid for the lack of inventive step over two prior art references we had found and submitted. The patentee was represented by one of the largest patent law firm in Osaka.

Masahiro Nanjo filed an invalidation trail (Case No. Invalidation 2010-800110). In this invalidation trial we asserted the invalidity of the claim 1 of the patent No. 4109165, which allegedly covers patentee’s commercial product, based on the lack of inventive step. An oral hearing was held on January 27th, 2011.






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